It’s a story which involves the birth of a baby, a couple on honeymoon and a hurricane-like storm - which all converged on the same day!
In addition to being a Mauritius photographer, I’m also a trained birth doula (a woman who helps and comforts another woman in childbirth) and birth photographer. Two years ago, I was a doula and photographer for the birth of my friend Lindsay’s first baby and she called me again as soon as she got a positive test asking if I could be a doula for her second baby.
Luck would have it that the baby decided to come on the same day I had a shoot scheduled for Daria and Hugo On honeymoon From Sweden. Luckily, it all worked out, down to the very last minute, and I was able to make it to Daria and Hugo in the North of the Mauritius at TUI Sensimar Lagoon just in time after the birth of Lindsay's baby (I did have my lovely friend photographer Natalie on standby as a back up just in case).
I called Daria on my way: "How's the weather up there?" I asked. "It looks like a hurricane outside!" she replied. "Well, I'm on my way!" I said and I arrived in the pouring rain and we got started. We just shot away and embraced the wind. Daria and Hugo couldn't have been sweeter or more fun to work with. Or more gorgeous and in love. Just look at them! They were adventurous and trusted me, even when I suggested they climb on wet rocks. We laughed so much! This day was much more memorable than a perfect blue sky day. And it reminded me of this quote by Vivian Greene:

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.