The top 3 reasons for a morning family photo session

While most photographers schedule evening photo sessions for families, that timing can be challenging for a few reasons: the kids might have after school sports or clubs, parents might have late work meetings, tired and cranky kids who have had a long day and don’t want to get cleaned up and dress in nice clothes (same for some dads too!). And it’s pretty much the witching hour for toddlers.

Here are some reasons to consider a morning photo session (especially in the fall).

Here is a recent morning session by Sita Kelly | Atlanta Family Photographer.

  1. Soft and beautiful light: the sun is lower on the horizon, as it is at evening golden hour, which creates a soft, glowing light that is incredibly flattering. The soft, warm glow can make even a city park look magical. The temperature is also cooler in the morning, making everyone more comfortable and eliminating the sweating and over heating that can happen at the end of the day.

2. Scheduling flexibility: Kids are up early anyway. Families can be done with their photo session by 9am and go on with getting to school or work (or even go out to breakfast and talk about how much fun they had loving on each other during their photo session). There is typically nothing else scheduled in the morning like there can be at the end of the day. Also, for parents there’s no nervous anticipation all day about getting ready and hoping the kids will cooperate after a long day.

3. Mornings are when people are at their freshest and most energetic. Children are often more alert and cooperative, making it easier to capture their genuine smiles and personalities. Adults are also likely to be more enthusiastic and engaged, resulting in more vibrant and natural photos. Again, I know from experience that evening is the witching hour for toddlers and some days you just want them to GO TO BED.  A morning session doesn’t interfere with bedtime and reduces chances of meltdowns like %100.

While evening family photo sessions are common, don't overlook the magical moments that early mornings can bring to your family images. The soft and beautiful light, comfortable temperatures, and fresh energy of the morning can result in stunning, authentic family photos that you'll cherish for years to come. So, the next time you plan a family photo session, consider setting the alarm clock a bit earlier to capture the essence of your loved ones in the tranquil beauty of a morning setting.
